Click HereThere is a great deal of information here on the blog. To access information, you may simply scroll down to find the history and Mexican border news articles but since there is so much here this can be tedious. A to get a better idea of what is here, click on archives then when the next archives page comes up, click on show all. When you do this you will get a complete list of all the articles with a synopsis making it easier to access more than three years of work. Another trick is simply to use the search box. If you want to find, for example, info on the Porvenir massacre just type "Porvenir". If you want the latest news on the Candelaria bridge issue just type "Candelaria".
Also, several folks have questioned the numbers on the hit counters. The hit counters do not work. At peak times, Glenn's Texas History Blog is read by up to 200 different urls in a few hours. Recently, the blog has crashed because of so many hits. Please feed free to post your comments or questions. Let me know if your are having problems posting by clicking add comment. Also, with the recent software upgrade so I may post photos, the most recent comments does not work on the side bar.
You may also simply have your comments and questions posted by clicking on contact me, emailing and I will post. Your comments are most appreciated and I encourage you to comment. I have a growing number of requests for research help and will respond as soon as I am able. All of those emailed to me are on the list and I will respond with a post of answers and help, so please be patient and check back on the blog for your answers and help.
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