I just finished reading with great enjoyment "The Last Comanche Chief: The Life And Times Of Quanah Parker" by Bill Neeley. This 276-page book, ISBN 0-471-16076-8, is well written and Neeley's first class research using an abundance of primary source documents makes it a fine study of the great chief. Here the reader will find the wonderful story of this remarkable leader of the Comanche told in fascinating detail from the 1836 raid on Parker's Fort until the death of Quanah Parker in 1911.

We learn of the days when Quanah, as a fierce young warrior, rode the Comanche war trail to Mexico and of his participation in the battle of Adobe Walls until the final conflict between the Comanche and the U.S. Army during the Red River War in the Texas Panhandle. Then a new Quanah emerges, a gifted visionary leader and politician determined to take his people out of the Stone Age and into the modern world of the Industrial Revolution. Certainly Quanah Parker had his detractors ranging from those Comanche who felt he had sold them out to the white man as well as the moralists who attacked Quanah for his use of peyote and many wives. In telling the story, the author offers a great many contemporary viewpoints to explain the reasoning and wisdom of Quanah so that he can be better understood by us living in today's world. This is a fine book that really deserves to be read by anyone interested in Texas history. Gj


A review on Amazon quoted below...

"Quanah Parker was the last and probably the finest example of a Commanche warrior. Although they never numbered more than 3,000 to 5,000 warriors, the Commanche stood astride the southern gateway to the west and single handedly stopped the southwestern expansion of America for 100 years. The reason Lewis and Clark were sent north to find a route to the west coast around them. So hated by the Texans that the Texas Rangers were created with the sole purpose of annihilating them."

You really think the Texas Rangers were created because of them? That's a stretch isn't it?

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